
Racoon in the City

On my recent trip to the U.S. I went running every morning in whichever city I was in.
On my 2nd morning in New York City I took some running buddies to "the reservoir" (See "Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir" on the Central Park Running Map attached) which is a favorite jogging loop for Manhattanites. (When I lived in New York City from 1986 to 1991 this was my favorite place to run). Even though it was 6:30am in the morning there were many joggers and bicyclists in the park.
ニューヨーク2日目、私はランニング仲間を募ってセントラルパークの中にある"the reservoir"(貯水池)まで へ行きました。(「セントラルパークランニングMAP」参照)
CentralParkRunningMap-1.pngセントラルパークランニングMAP    jogging pals.jpgRunning Buddies

Soon after we started running around the reservoir to my surprise I happened to spot a raccoon enjoying the beautiful scenery Manhattan skyline (see picture). Apparently the raccoon population in Central Park is quite large, and growing.

raccon.png 美しいマンハッタンの街並み・・・とアライグマ。
A few minutes later as we were running down the streets of Manhattan, dodging pedestrians and cars, I was thinking how strange but fantastic it was that in the midst of bustling New York city wild animals were still thriving!



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