
The power behind Energy 4 Fitness!

Did you know that Energy 4 Fitness comes from one of the top independent dance music companies in the world, called THE SAIFAM GROUP?!

Established almost 30 years ago, SAIFAM was formed by Mauro Farina in 1981 and has since sold more than 10,000,000 dance albums and several million

singles including many gold and platinum hits!

SAIFAM headquarters are located next to the beautiful city of Verona, (home to Romeo and Juliet) which is in the northern province of Veneto, Italy.

THE SAIFAM GROUP Group owns 6 different recording studios and more then 50 labels, and currently pumps out over 400 titles and 40 compilations every year!

When you use Energy 4 Fitness products you are backed by some of the world’s

most talented music producers who know how to energize music to get your class


Mauro Farina

Energy 4 Fitnessが秘めるパワー!


SAIFAM社は今から約30年前、1981年にMauro Farinaによって立ち上げられました。それ以来1000万以上のタイトルを販売し、ミリオンシングルや、ゴールド、プラチナヒットを数多く出しています。



Energy 4 Fitnessファンのみなさん、E4Fの音楽を使えば、クラスは絶対に盛り上がりますよね。世界的に有名なプロデューサーが作る音楽なのですから。

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